Yes, at Good Logistics, as well as handling your freight forwarding operations, our experienced teams can handle the completion of export and import customs formalities (NES customs entry, Intrastat, CFSP Messaging) at all main UK ports. Our specialist teams of freight forwarders and in-house customs experts work together to make sure your consignment flows through the process as quickly as possible. We also offer advice on importation, taxation and clearance procedures, helping to ensure that your consignments clear customs swiftly and efficiently.

WSaS is an Authorised Economic Operator or AEO-accredited company, which means our customers can be confident their cargo is always in safe hands. That is because consignments handled by AEOs are fast-tracked through customs controls. When AEO consignments are selected by customs officials for examination or inspection, they receive priority over non-AEOs, ensuring a smoother and more efficient shipping process.